Parent Information

Open Day March 21st 2020


Dates: 4th & 5th March, 2020.

Days of the Week: Wednesday and Thursday.

Venue: The King’s School Secondary

Time: From 4pm



Dear Parent (s)/Guardian(s),


We would like to inform you that there is a general parents meeting  tomorrow Thursday 16 th of January 2020. This meeting will take place in the secondary hall “HURST HALL” from 6p.m to 7.30 p.m.

Please, do your best to attend as the agenda is of paramount importance.







End Of Term One Exam Dates

Primary School – 4th December 2019 – 10th December 2019

Secondary School – 12th December 2019 – 19th December 2019

Upcoming Events

Secondary School Parents/Teachers interview meeting

  • Wednesday 16th October 2019 from 4p.m(16hr)
  • Thursday 17th October 2019 from 4p.m(16hr)

Secondary School Sports /Awards Day

  • Friday 25th October 2019.

Primary School Parents/Teachers interview meeting

  • Thursday 24th October 2019 from 2.30pm to 5.00pm
  • Friday 25th October 2019 from 2.30pm to 5.00pm

Term 1 2019/2020 Holidays Calendar

  • Monday 14th October – Prince Louis Rwagasore Holiday
  • Monday 21st October – Ndadaye Day Holiday
  • Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November – School Half Term


You can now easily access our registration form by simply clicking on the link Registration form 2019-2020 . Once completed kindly drop the form at our Administration offices located in Kinindo, Quartier Zeimet Avenue Kiganda, number 11.


Please click the link Fees structure 2019-2020(BIF) to view/download our updated fees structure for the academic year 2019/2020.

2019/2020 Academic Year Starting dates:

Term 1 – Wednesday 4th September 2019

Term 2 – Monday 6th January 2020

Term 3 – Monday 20th April 2020


11th February 2019 – Mocks Year 11/12/13

18th February 2019 – Mocks Year 11/12/13

25th February 2019 – Secondary Award Assembly Sports Day

– Primary Parents’ Interviews

26th February 2019 – Whole School House Day

– Primary Parents’ Interviews

27th February 2019 – Half Term/Staff Training

28th February 2019 – Half Term

1st March 2019 – Half Term

6th March 2019 – Secondary Parents’ Interview (4.30pm-7.30pm)

7th March 2019 – Secondary Parents’ Interview (4.30pm-7.30pm)

12th March 2019 – Internal D-Day Edexcel Fee Payment

21st March 2019 – Official Edexcel Deadline

23rd March 2019 – Open Day

4th April 2019 – Primary Exams

5th April 2019 – Primary Exams

8th April 2019 – Primary Exams/Secondary Revision

9th April 2019 – Primary Exams/Secondary Revision

10th April 2019 – Secondary Home Revision

11th April 2019 – Secondary Exams/Year 6 Egyptian Day

12th April 2019 – Secondary Exams/ Primary Sports

15th-17thApril 2019 – Secondary Exams

17th April 2019 – Easter Fayre

19th April 2019 – Good Friday

1st May 2019-Labor Day

3rd May 2019-Secondary Reports out.

OPEN FORUM FOR PARENTS OF YEAR 10 TO 13  – Further to the meeting held on Thursday 8th November –  Open Forum for Parents of Year 10 to 13, where we discussed discipline issues. Click here for notes from this meeting. If you have any comments or suggestions, please do contact the Principal or Head of Secondary school or email the school.  Thank you.

Lunch Times  – All Secondary pupils staying at school over the Lunch break 1pm to 3pm. Need to stay on school premises at all times.

I am concerned that many pupils who are meant to be staying at school during the lunch break, are wandering in and out of the gates, throughout the lunch time.

This makes it impossible for the Duty teachers to ensure the safety of all students remaining at school.

Pupils who leave the premises will not be permitted to return until 2:45pm (it will be assumed that they are not remaining at school).

Food and drinks are available to purchase at the school canteen.

Please ask your child to cooperate with this request, if you want them to remain at school during the lunch break.

phones in school

EMAIL UPDATES – To receive email updates from the school, please email [email protected]