
In 1997, after a period of prayer and fasting, The Lord spoke to Chrissie Chapman and her team about starting a school in Bujumbura. Subsequently, in January 1998, a small school began in Kinindo to educate nine of the orphaned children who were in Chrissie’s care. These children were taught by an expatriate teacher from the U.K., whose living room served as the classroom.

In June 1998 Chrissie noticed a new building in the local area. She approached the owner and asked if she could rent it and use it as a school. He agreed and made the necessary alterations to the building so that it was suitable for a school; this building was subsequently purchased by C.R.I.B. donors.
By September 1998 the building was in use and a roup of thirteen children began in the new facility, taught by two expatriate teachers. By Easter 1999 the school was registered with the government and in September 1999 “The King’s School” officially opened to the general public. On the first day of term there were thirty-five children divided between four classes. The staff by now comprised four expatriate teachers and one national teacher who was appointed to teach French and Kirundi.

By the end of the school year in June 2000 the number of students had increased by almost 50% and plans were being drafted to open a Secondary section. In September 2001 the Secondary School opened with seven students, growing rapidly in the next few years, so that in June 2005 the first Year 11 class was able to graduate having written their IGCSE examinations. In September 2011 we opened an A level programme for children in Years 12 and 13.