International Qualifications

Our Secondary School students have the opportunity to study for and sit iGCSE and A-Level exams.

The King’s Schooledexcellogo is an accredited examination centre for exams offered by Edexcel. These exams are the official school exams offered in the UK with papers being sent from and marked in the UK. They are recognised be colleges and university anywhere in the world.

iGCSEs are two year courses begun in Year 10 and culminating in formal exams in May and June of Year 11. Normally there will be two exams per subject and students will sit exams for 7 – 9 subjects. Successful iGCSE students will be permitted to progress to A-Level exams.

A-Levels are also studied over two years, beginning in Year 12. However subjects are split into modules and students will sit exams for modules in May and June of both Year 12 and Year 13. Typically and A-Level student will sit around 9 exams for three subjects each year. Occasionally exams are available for some subjects in January.

Edexcel exams are not included in the school fees. Parents will be expected to pay for June exams in February of the same year. Detailed invoices cannot be sent until students have made their final exam choices, but parents can expect to pay a total of $500 for exams and 400,000BIF for administration costs (including couriering) in Years 11, 12 and 13.

For further information please use the following links:

iGCSE Exams

A-Level Exams